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miyuki delica's 11/0 - fancy lined steel 2394

Miyuki is the brand name of the best quality seed beads, made in Japan. They come in various forms and sizes, including the delica beads shown here. The delica beads have a tubular shape, which gives the finished piece a nice flat surface.

And this flat surface, combined with them all having an even shape, makes them very suitable for bead weaving, peyote and brick stitch. With the many different colors, you can create the most beautiful patterns

The size of the delica can be classified as extra small, small and large. The 11/0 delica beads are then small. They measure 1,6 mm in thread length and 1,3 mm in height.

Colortype Fancy lined

Fancy lined are colors in which the color of the bead in the core is extra emphasized. This provides an extra sparkle, as the name suggests.

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See also other beads in the same color and color type

See also other beads in color type fancy lined (max 10)

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